Created by Zed A. Shaw Updated 3 days

Learn Painting the Hard Way

Are you burned out by programming? Do you want to find something that's far away from a computer? Then why not learn to paint?! In this course I will take you on a carefully structured introduction to the basics of drawing and painting. The course will feature a lesson a week plus a live stream demo (or pre-recorded) of that week's lesson. The course will be similar to my programming courses and assume you know nothing, and teach you everything you need to know to then study painting on your own.

If you've always been told you're "right brained" or that "logical people can't be creative" then this course is for you. I've been a programmer for most of my life and I learned to paint in my late 30s. If I can do it then I believe you can too.

Free to Join

The course is currently free, and in the near future I'll implement a "pay what's fair" payment model to help offset the cost of hosting the videos. That means if you join now and can't afford it then that's fine, because that's fair. If in the future you can help out by purchasing the course, you can set your own price for it.

Course Contents

This course contains the following modules and lessons. Every course offers free samples of the first 10 lessons so you can decide if you want to take the course, and excerpts from all lessons after that.

Module Basics of Drawing

Learning to draw will make learning to paint easier, it's also a really great experience on its own.

Learn Painting the Hard Way

An clearly structured course in drawing and painting for programmers and other logical people.

Simple Price: $0 USD

Simple 30 day refund policy.

I don't use cheap tricks to get you to buy my courses. No fake countdowns. No random "sales". Just one simple price because I assume you're a smart person.