Source File: ex10.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <fmt/core.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace fmt;

int main() {
  int peanuts = 1000;
  int people = 100;

  println("{} peanuts and {} people.", peanuts, people);

  peanuts += 10;
  people -= 10;

  println("After += and -= peanuts={}, people={}", peanuts, people);

  int tigers = peanuts * people;
  long lots_of_tigers = tigers * 5;

  println("tigers={}, lots_of_tigers={}", tigers, lots_of_tigers);

  double fewer_tigers = lots_of_tigers / 23;
  println("fewer_tigers={}", fewer_tigers);

  fewer_tigers /= 43.0f;
  println("fewer_tigers again={}", fewer_tigers);

  println("one more tiger={}", tigers);
  return 0;