#include <fmt/core.h>
using namespace fmt;
int main() {
int peanuts = 1000;
int people = 100;
println("More {} peanuts and {} people.", peanuts, people);
bool test = peanuts > people;
println("More peanuts than people? {}", test);
test = peanuts < people;
println("Less peanuts than people? {}", test);
test = peanuts == people;
println("Are peanuts equal to people? {}", test);
test = peanuts >= 1000;
println("Are there more peanuts or equal to 1000? {}", test);
test = people <= 500;
println("Are there fewer or equal people than 500? {}", test);
println("What if we not that? {}", !test);
// combine with some math
test = peanuts == people * 10;
println("What about 10x the poeple? {}", test);
bool tenth_peanuts = peanuts / 10 == people;
println("Maybe 1/10th the peanuts? {}", tenth_peanuts);
bool less_peanuts = peanuts - 100 == people;
println("If I eat 100 peanuts? {}", less_peanuts);
bool and_test = tenth_peanuts && less_peanuts;
// remember multi-line strings?
println("Are there 1/10th the peanuts of people\n"
"\tAND are there the same number of people "
"as peanuts - 100? {}", and_test);
bool or_test = tenth_peanuts || less_peanuts;
println("Same but either there's 1/10th "
"peanuts OR peanuts minus 100? {}", or_test);
return 0;