Created by Zed A. Shaw Updated 3 days

Learn C++ the Hard Way

DO NOT BUY THIS YET The price of this course will be just enough to cover the videos, and it helps me keep the content free for people to read when the course is released. Thank you for your support. If you are an Epic Supporter then you'll get this course automatically very soon.

An introduction to C++ for anyone who wants to make games. This course will assume you know nothing about programming and build your skills to where you can make a few simple terrible games. It's then on you to make many terrible games until you start making great games. Or art. Whichever you fancy.

Course Contents

This course contains the following modules and lessons. Every course offers free samples of the first 10 lessons so you can decide if you want to take the course, and excerpts from all lessons after that.

Module The Basics

You'll setup your computer for programming and learn the very basics of programming with C++.

Module Beginner C++

With the basics of simple programming concepts learned you are now ready to learn beginner C++.

Module Intermediate C++

You know enough C++ to now start applying what you know to more advanced topics.

Module Your First Terrible Game

Now you'll setup to make one small terrible game in C++.

Learn C++ the Hard Way

A course in C++ for beginners who eventually want to make games.

Pre-order Price: $10 USD

Simple 30 day refund policy.

Pre-order purchases get a reduced price and have a chance to shape the course with their feedback, but have to wait for the course to be finished.