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Created by Zed A. Shaw Updated 2025-01-08 03:22:25

Exercise 16: Bubble, Quick, and Merge Sort

You are now going to attempt to implement sorting algorithms for your DoubleLinkedList data structure. For these descriptions I'm going to use a "list of numbers" to mean a randomized list of things. This could be a deck of poker cards, sheets of paper with numbers on them, lists of names, or anything else you can sort. There are three usual suspects when you're attempting to sort a list of numbers:

  • Bubble Sort: This is most likely how you would attempt to sort a list of numbers if you knew nothing about sorting. It involves simply going through the list and swapping any out of order pairs you find. You continually loop through the list, swapping pairs, until you've gone through without swapping anything. It's simple to understand, but crazy slow.
  • Merge Sort: This kind of sorting algorithm divides the list into halves, then quarters, and further partitions until it can't divide it anymore. Then it merges these back, but does it in the right order by checking the ordering of each partition as it merges it. It's a clever algorithm that works really well on linked lists but isn't so great on fixed size arrays as you'll need a Queue of some kind to keep track of the partitions.
  • Quick Sort: This is similar to merge sort since it's a "divide and conquer" algorithm, but it works by swapping elements around the partition point instead of breaking and merging the list together. In the simplest form, you pick a range from low to high,and a partition point. You then swap the elements that are greater than the partition point above it and those lower below it. Then you pick a new low, high, and partition that's inside this newly shuffled set and do it again. It's dividing the list into smaller chunks, but it doesn't break them apart like a merge sort does.
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