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Created by Zed A. Shaw Updated 2025-01-08 03:22:25

02: Installing Alpine Linux

  1. Start VirtualBox
  2. Click New
  3. Enter these fields: Name: Alpine 3.x Folder: C:\Users\yourname\VirtualBox VMs ISO image: your image from downloads Type: Linux Version: Other Linux 32-bit
  4. Base Memory: 2G (2048MB), 1 CPU is fine.
  5. Create a virtual disk now. 16GB should be enough.
  6. Then click Finish.

Once that's configured you can hit start.

Notes on operating it:

  1. Auto capture keyboard and "host key"? If you're a weirdo like me who doesn't have a right ctrl key you can change it in Input->Keyboard->Keyboard Settings.
  2. Run setup-alpine to get started installing Alpine.
  3. Don't tell it find te fastest one. key you can change it in Input->Keyboard->Keyboard Settings.
  4. After install type alt.
  5. ten ejet te iso.
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