Sample Video Frame

Created by Zed A. Shaw Updated 2025-01-08 03:22:25

04: Links

In the first lesson you learned about HTML being a "HyperText Markup Language", and the link is what makes the "hyper text" part of HTML work. Today nobody talks about "HyperText" at all but in the 90s it was all the rage. Everyone thought that being able to link documents across the world would lead to a glorious civilization of peace, love and prosperity, but really links just connect people watching Youtube videos about guitars to conspiracy theories about the earth being flat.

In this module I'm going to cover not just the typical link done through an <a> tag, but also other ways that a user's mouse click can trigger an HTTP request.


  1. Find 10 images--either online or ones you own--in either .jpg or .png format.
  2. Create a directory named images/ in your project directory. If you don't have a project directory then make a new directory for working in Exercise 04 named ex04 and cd ex04 to work there.
  3. Create an index.html file using the starting file from the first exercise. Bonus: Research what makes a fully complete HTML5 file (yes, it has a 5 in the name).
  4. Using what you know of <a> and <img> tags, create a list of your 10 images, that lets you click on an image to view it full screen. The back-button on the browser can move you from the full image view back to the listing.
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