Learn More Python the Hard Way
The More Python Python the Hard Way will teach you to be a better programmer.
This is part of a product bundle.
Module Parsing Text
The most universal programming skill you can learn is parsing.
- Part V: Parsing TextThis part of the book will teach you about text processing and, specifically, the beginning of parsing text formally.
- Exercise 30: Finite State MachinesWhenever you read a book on parsing there's this scary chapter on Finite State Machines (FSM).
- Exercise 31: Regular ExpressionsA regular expression (regex) is a succinct way to encode how a sequence of characters should be matched in a string.
- Exercise 32: ScannersMy first book very casually covered scanners in Learn Python The Hard Way, Exercise 48(https://learnpythonthehardway.
- Exercise 33: ParsersImagine you're given a huge list of numbers and you have to enter them into a spreadsheet.
- Exercise 34: AnalyzersYou now have a parser that should be producing a tree of grammar production objects.
- Exercise 35: InterpretersThis final exercise in parsing should be both challenging and fun.
- Exercise 36: Simple CalculatorThis challenge is to create a simple algebraic calculator using everything you've learned about parsing.
- Exercise 37: Little BASICYou are now going to take a trip back in time to my childhood and implement a BASIC interpreter.
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