Learn C++ the Hard Way
A course in C++ for beginners who eventually want to make games.
This is part of a product bundle.
Module Intermediate C++
You know enough C++ to now start applying what you know to more advanced topics.
- 46: Review Namespaces and StructsReview Namespaces and Structs
- 47: Implement a Basic Object SystemImplement a Basic Object System
- 48: Introducing classesIntroducing classes
- 49: Structs with FunctionsStructs with Functions
- 50: The Constructor ProblemThe Constructor Problem
- 51: Advanced ConversionsAdvanced Conversions
- 52: Simple TemplatesSimple Templates
- 53: Templates for AlgorithmsTemplates for Algorithms
- 54: Advanced TemplatesAdvanced Templates
- 55: Performance MeasurementPerformance Measurement
- 56: Runtime Type InferenceRuntime Type Inference
- 57: Introductory SFMLIntroductory SFML
- 58: SFML InputSFML Input
- 59: Adding GraphicsAdding Graphics
- 60: Implementing PhysicsImplementing Physics
- 61: Hot LavaHot Lava
- 62: Creating WallsCreating Walls
- 63: Adding SoundAdding Sound
- 64: Game MechanicsGame Mechanics
- 65: Packaging and Distributing Your GamePackaging and Distributing Your Game
- 66: Making a "Starter Kit"Making a "Starter Kit"
- 67: Automating the Starter KitAutomating the Starter Kit
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