Learn C++ the Hard Way
A course in C++ for beginners who eventually want to make games.
This is part of a product bundle.
Module Beginner C++
With the basics of simple programming concepts learned you are now ready to learn beginner C++.
- 25: Using a DebuggerUsing a Debugger
- 26: Auto keywordAuto keyword
- 27: References vs. Copying and FunctionsReferences and Copying for Function Parameters
- 28: Basic structBasic struct
- 29: Pointers and `new`Pointers and
- 30: Memory ManagementMemory Management
- 31: Constructors and DestructorsConstructors and Destructors
- 32: Advanced ContainersAdvanced Containers
- 33: Iterators && More ContainersIterators
- 34: An Alternative Iterator StyleIterators
- 35: PlaceholderA placeholder for a possible exercise.
- 36: DIY Data StructuresDIY Data Structures
- 37: Defensive Programming TacticsDefensive Programming Tactics
- 38: DIY HashmapsDIY Hashmaps
- 39: DIY AlgorithmsDIY Algorithms
- 40: PlaceholderPlaceholder
- 41: When to DIYWhy You Shouldn't DIY
- 42: Advanced FunctionsAdvanced Functions
- 43: LambdasLambdas
- 44: Advanced Memory ManagementAdvanced Memory Management
- 45: Exception AlternativesException Alternatives
- 46: Review Namespaces and StructsReview Namespaces and Structs
- 47: Implement a Basic Object SystemImplement a Basic Object System
- 48: Introducing classesIntroducing classes
- 49: Structs with FunctionsStructs with Functions
- 50: The Constructor ProblemThe Constructor Problem
- 51: Advanced ConversionsAdvanced Conversions
- 52: Simple TemplatesSimple Templates
- 53: Templates for AlgorithmsTemplates for Algorithms
- 54: Advanced TemplatesAdvanced Templates
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