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09: A Fully Dynamic Blog
Your blog would be much better if people could post comments, so you'll use a SQLite3 database to store their comments on each post. You'll also display their comments, and require a login to post.
The "classic" web application style you're creating is called a "Model-View-Controller" (MVC) architecture. The design is separated into:
- Models store and manipulate the database, usually stored in a database.
- Views present the information to the user and accept their input to alter the models.
- Controller is responsible for translating and connecting the Views to the Models and controlling access.
This architecture style is kind of dated, but it is useful when you have a data storage system that is difficult to change, but you still need to present that information to users in different ways. Rather than spend months changing a database's stored procedures you'd simply write a Controller that took existing data and transformed it to match the view.
In your application you'll create a simplified MVC system like this:
- Model is a simple module that performs the queries against your database using knex.js to return plain old JavaScript objects (POJOs).
- Views that are templates that which accept this data after being converted by controllers.
- Controllers are simple handlers in your
application, but if those get too large you should put them into separate modules that you import.
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