Created by Zed A. Shaw Updated 3 days

Learn C the Hard Way

A complete course in the C programming language for people who know at least one other language. If you are interested in languages like Rust, Go, Zig, JavaScript, C++, C#, Objective-C, and many, many more then learning C is a good first step. C is like the Latin of programming languages: Not something you should use every day, but learning unlocks so many other programming languages.

Course Contents

This course contains the following modules and lessons. Every course offers free samples of the first 10 lessons so you can decide if you want to take the course, and excerpts from all lessons after that.

Module Learn C the Hard Way

An introductory course in the C programming language.

Learn C the Hard Way

A complete course in the C programming language for people who know at least one other language.

Simple Price: $29 USD

Simple 30 day refund policy.

I don't use cheap tricks to get you to buy my courses. No fake countdowns. No random "sales". Just one simple price because I assume you're a smart person.